Full-Stack Application Development for Beginners

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Works in progress, and not in order.

  1. Planning your idea
  2. Diagramming your domain model
  3. Getting started with Gitpod
  4. Sharing a Gitpod workspace snapshot
  5. Gitpod keyboard shortcuts and other productivity tips
  6. Using /git
  7. Getting automated feedback with rails grade
  8. HTML Reference
  9. “Hard” refreshing a page in Chrome
  10. Deploying to Heroku
  11. Link in Bio project notes
  12. Design resources
  13. The One Ruby Reference
  14. Nouns, verbs, and grammar
  15. A few program notes
  16. String
  17. Integer
  18. Float
  19. More Float methods
  20. Date
  21. Array
  22. If statements
  23. Loops
  24. Each
  25. Hash
  26. Our own classes
  27. RCAV Flowchart
  28. Forms, Query Strings, and Params
  29. Dynamic Routes
  30. Handling exceptions with begin/rescue/end
  31. Storing credentials securely on Gitpod
  32. Meteorologist (Intro to APIs)
  33. Sending emails and text messages
  34. QR Codes Ruby
  35. Google Translate API
  36. API Resources
  37. Different Ruby Styles
  38. Adding Routes
  39. Refactoring Fortune Teller with Dynamic Routes
  40. Cookies
  41. More ways of using cookies
  42. ActiveRecord: Our translator to the database
  43. Refactoring MSM Queries with Methods
  44. Data integrity with Validations
  45. Advanced Assocations Wizard (has_many/belongs_to)
  46. draft:resource generator
  47. draft:account generator
  48. draft:layout generator
  49. Image Uploads
  50. Loading data from a CSV
  51. Searching and filtering with Ransack
  52. Embedding a Google Map in a view template
  53. Photogram Final
  54. Tower of Babel
  55. A few management readings
  56. Starting a Rails app from scratch
  57. Adding a sample_data rake task
  58. Exporting data as a CSV
  59. Getting started web scraping

  1. Authentication with Devise
  2. Command-line Git basics
  3. A few Git aliases
  4. Continuous Delivery
  5. Authorization with Pundit
  6. JavaScript: The Slimmest Guide
  7. Ajax with Rails UJS
  8. Turbolinks
  9. Installing Ruby locally

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