RCAV Flowchart

Our apps are nothing more than a collection of URLs that we decide to allow users to access:

  • mydomain.com/products
  • mydomain.com/photos/193
  • mydomain.com/signin

So remember: everything always starts with a route between an address we want users to be able to visit and a Ruby method that will be responsible for generating a response to the user’s browser.

In order to support a URL in your app such as https://3000-your-gitpod-workspace.gitpod.io/home, there are a lot of dots to connect!

  1. A user visits an address in our app; in this case, we chose /home.
  2. If we want to allow users to visit that address, we have to add a route for it in config/routes.rb.

    The complete route looks like this:

    get("/home", { :controller => "pages", :action => "home" })

    Here’s what’s going on:

    A route is defined using the get() method, which has two arguments. The first argument is a String that contains the address we want to support; in this case, "/home".

    The second argument to get() is a Hash that tells Rails what to do when someone visits the address. The Hash has two keys: :controller and :action.

    “Controllers” contain the logic of how to respond to requests (they’re just Ruby classes).

    “Actions” are the actual logic that gets executed by Rails when a user visits an address (they’re just Ruby methods).

    The key :controller must go to the name of a Ruby class; in this case, we chose "pages".

    The key :action must go to the name of a Ruby method that we want Rails to execute when a user visits /home; in this case, we chose "home". This name is not required to match the route.

  3. Rails finds a match for the controller name we specified in the app/controllers folder. Files that contain controllers must always end in _controller.rb, and begin with what we said in the route would be the name of the controller; in this case, pages_controller.rb.

    Rails finds the Ruby class in the file. The name of the class must be CamelCased and always end in ...Controller < ApplicationController. In this case, PagesController < ApplicationController.

    Rails finds the method we specified as the action and executes it; in this case, we defined a method called home.

    We can write as much or as little Ruby as necessary within the action to satisfy the request — reading from APIs, doing math, whatever.

  4. Once we’ve computed the final values that should be displayed to the user, we tell Rails the name of an HTML view template to use to format the output. To do so, we use the render() method. The complete render() method looks like this:

     render({ :template => "page_templates/home.html.erb"})

    Here’s what’s going on:

    render() takes one argument, a Hash. The Hash must have a key, :template, with a String value. The string specifies the location of an Embedded Ruby HTML template to use to format the output. The first part of the string specifies the name of a folder, in this case pages_templates and the second part of the string specifies the name of a file, in this case home.html.erb.

    We have to create a folder within app/views that matches the name that we specified in the render() statement.

    We have to create a file within that folder that matches the name that we specified in the render() statement.

    Finally, if we’ve connected all the dots correctly, Rails will embed the variables in the .html.erb template, produce a final plain .html file, and send it back to the user’s browser. Hurray!

If you didn’t connect the dots correctly, you will usually see a very descriptive error message; try to read and understand it.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Capitalization (all file, folder, method, variable, and symbol names should be snake_case; only class names are CamelCase).
  • Spelling/pluralization matters (by convention, controller names are usually plural, but don’t have to be).
  • Location (controller files must be in app/controllers/).
  • READ THE ERROR MESSAGE! It usually tells you exactly what is going wrong, and where. It will at least give you a strong hint.