Photogram API

In this project, you will build routes that allow external users to Create, Read, Update, and Delete records in your database.

Your target

You can see a working example of how your application should function here.

Review the available query methods

First, head to the app/models folder and look over the instance methods that are defined in each of the models. Compare them to the ones you defined in the photogram-queries project. How similar or different was your implementation to mine? Ask questions on Piazza.

Don’t modify the methods; the automated tests rely on them being present and functional.

Your tasks

Build the following endpoints in the same way that we did in the msm-api project. For each endpoint, simply render the result of one of the existing instance methods, converted to json using .to_json.


For example:


should show a list of all users.


For example:


should show the details of one user.

/users/[ANY EXISTING USERNAME]/own_photos

For example:


should show a list of the user’s own photos.

/users/[ANY EXISTING USERNAME]/liked_photos

For example:


should show a list of the photos the user has liked.


For example:


should show a list of the photos posted by people the user is following.

/users/[ANY EXISTING USERNAME]/discover

For example:


should show a list of photos liked by the people the user is following.


For example:


should show the details of one photo.

/photos/[ANY EXISTING PHOTO ID]/likes

For example:


should show a list of the photo’s likes.

/photos/[ANY EXISTING PHOTO ID]/fans

For example:


should show a list of the photo’s fans.


For example,


should add a record to the likes table.

Be sure to name the keys in the query string exactly input_photo_id and input_user_id.

/delete_like/[ANY EXISTING LIKE ID]

For example:


should delete a record from the likes table.

/photos/[ANY EXISTING PHOTO ID]/comments

For example:


should show a list of the photo’s comments.


For example,

/insert_comment_record?input_photo_id=628&input_user_id=120&input_body=An insightful comment

should add a record to the comments table.

Be sure to name the keys in the query string exactly input_photo_id, input_user_id, and input_body.

/update_comment_record/[ANY EXISTING COMMENT ID]

For example:

/update_comment_record/4288?input_body=A better comment body

should update the comment.

Be sure to name the key in the query string exactly input_body.